Saturday, November 9, 2013

The things you learn from looking at a REALLY big map

So here I am, sitting talking to my mom on the phone, having a serious conversation when I find myself staring at a world map. But this isn't just a small map... It's like the size you had in your high school's classrooms. Yeah, one of those.

But have you ever just taken the time to stare at a map of that size? To let yourself get lost in it? Probably not. It's something that someone probably wouldn't usually do... I know I certainly wouldn't unless I'm literally just sitting somewhere with a map... which I am right now.

So I'll be completely honest, you can learn a lot of things from a map of this size. Boring things, like which way currents flow all over the world. Or that there's a major airport in the country of Sao Tome (which is an Island I'd never even heard of before). But you can easily learn a lot of really cool things too... 

Also... I stared at Africa most... So let's learn weird things about Africa!

1) There is an area of the Indian Ocean called Seychelles. 
Which is also a shoe brand. 
Pretty Shoe
VS. a pretty Island.

2) Theres' a country called Gabon, and in Gabon theres a city called "Franceville"
VS. France... There's a difference

3) In Namibia, there's a place called Warmbad. I can't think of the last time being warm was "bad..." But clearly someone didn't like it... Also this place is apparently not very big...

4) There's an area of the Atlantic Ocean called the "Romanche Gap" which makes me thing of someone with a gap in their teeth, and therefore when they say "romance," it comes out "romanche" like they have a lisp... 
Romanche Gap
Model with a lisp who says "romanche"   

5) Also in the Pacific Ocean is the "South Sandwich Islands" which makes me wonder several things:
      a) Are there North Sandwich Islands?
      b) What exactly is a "south sandwich"? 
      c) What do they put on a south sandwich? 
      d) Do I have to go to the South Sandwich Islands to get one?

Wait... they have penguins?
And the penguins live on a sandwich...?

Don't you feel enlightened now with these strange fun facts!? Me too... Okay, now back to real life and not staring at maps. 
-Katelynn Rene 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Who thinks dorms are cool? Anybody... anybody...? Yeah, probably not... But at Gonzaga, you have to live in the dorms for two years, and while this might seem lame, I actually love it.

You see, a lot of my friends from back home didn't live in a dorm at all freshman year, and they were lonely...  Maybe even miserable... They didn't have any friends, or if they did, they didn't have many.  And while having friends shouldn't matter by quantity, but by quality, you learn pretty quickly that quantity in college can really matter.

When you have those moments where you think to yourself "I don't want to be around these same 5 people anymore," the easiest thing to do is go hang out with your other friends... unless you don't have other friends.

This is why I think that #dormlyfe is so important.  (I also feel like you should all know that my hashtag is completely sarcastic)  In my freshman year of college, I made a ton of friends... but often times I didn't feel like I was good enough friends with them to actually go out on a weekend or hang out with them during the week... You have to build up to that.  And usually, one year of school (or even life) isn't really enough to do that.  I mean, very few relationships even make it to a whole year... so why should dorm life last any less than that... (If that makes any sense...) I really think it takes more than a year to really find yourself on a college campus, let alone your friends. (especially a campus without a greek life)

I hope that in my second year of #dormlyfe, I continue to make new friends, but also improve the friendships I've already started.  Because I really think that's what real dorm life is all about; getting to know people.

Also, heres a quick pic of my dorm, Cushing hall on Gonzaga University's campus!
(PS, I kind of love decorating...)

-Katelynn René <3

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blog Disease

I know I'm not the first to fall victim to this terrible disease.  It's slowly taking over the world, and slowly, one by one, forcing people into wanting to start a blog, and then a week later, the people are healthy again and no longer have any desire to blog.

Chances are, you know exactly what I'm talking about. One day you literally think "OMG, I'm going to start a blog, become world famous and make tons of money for putting all my brilliant ideas out there"

But then, you realize that blogging is a lot of work.  You have to have lots of ideas, and be creative. Being a little bit funny helps too, and the last puzzle piece for having an award winning blog is.... (Drum Roll Please...)

ACTUALLY WRITING IT. Dead serious, you could have all the ideas in the world, but if you don't have the time, the desire, or the right attitude for it, it's super easy to lose interest in nothing flat.

It took me about two months before I started to forget about this blog. So that's pretty good, right? it was long enough for me to post a few times, but certainly not create a following.  And now I'm sitting here like, was this a fail? Or do I just need to re-spark my interest?  I'd love to get back into it, but it's hard. Finding time to be funny while writing is, like, the hardest thing ever. No, really. Almost Impossible.

But I think most of why people lose interest is really because having a blog starts to feel like homework.  And who wants to do homework? No one.  That's exactly the problem... Having this homework like commitment that does absolutely nothing for you seems silly when you think about it.  That's why you have to make it beneficial and worth your while... (Not that I know how to do that)

So here's to a second chance at blogging, and hoping this doesn't feel like homework any time soon.

-Katelynn René

PS I also think blogging would be a lot more fun if my thoughts were read in Carrie Bradshaw's voice... Just Saying

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How Pinteresting!

Okay, hands up, who has a Pinterest account? *Everyone and their mother raises their hand*

Yeah, that's what I thought.

 Crafting was once something we did when we thought of something creative.  Now crafting consists of compiling a list of 300 crafts that we want to do someday, but might actually only complete like 3 of them.  And our dream house has 30 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 5 kitchens, 2 libraries, a pool in the master bedroom closet and a room for nothing but your shoes.

Practical, isn't it?

But just because we all have these crazy boards filled with crazy ideas doesn't mean we are obsessed, does it?

Yes, yes it means exactly that.

But what are the most common boards that girls just have to make to fill the void of not having a perfect life? Well, let's look.

1) The Dream Wedding

This board is filled with ideas for color schemes, bridesmaid dresses, food, decorations, dresses and of course, the perfect husband.  And it is all planned out by a single 15 year old girl, who has never been in a real relationship. Basically, the perfect wedding for anyone with this board would probably cost like 1 million dollars.  But who cares? It's all just on line anyways...

2) The Dream Closet

We all have clothes, and want more.  That's what this board is for; making the perfect closet that we could never afford.  I'm guilty of this being my biggest board, because I'm kind of completely obsessed with clothes.  (Go follow it, "For the love of clothes") The only bad thing about this board is that I don't actually have the clothes, and unless I dish out my life's savings, I probably never will have any of them.

3) Health & Fitness

"Oh My God! I just want to be skinny, and run 15 miles every day, and eat super healthy, and have a bikini ready body all year!" Says every girl on Pinterest as they pin all sorts of fitness pins, while eating a big bowl of ice cream and sitting on the couch for 3 hours.  Yup, that will really get your body "bikini ready." But at least you have ideas for once you finally find motivation...

4) The Dream House

Like I said before, this house is crazy huge, and it's on the ocean, in the mountains and has that New England look all at once, all while being somewhere in the Greek Islands.  It's perfect, and completely unrealistic. But who cares? Having 30 bedrooms, and each being decorated in a different color is totally in right now, anyways.  

So there you go, some of the most popular Pinterest boards out there.  Now, don't you just feel so original?

Here's one last meme to leave you with before this post ends;

Oh no, what will we ever do with all of this bottle up creativity? Nothing. That's what we will (probably) do with it.

-Katelynn René

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Taking the 'Pro' out of procrastination

   Let's face it, we all put the 'pro' in 'procrastination' way more often than we should.  It's a fact of life that as we grow up, we avoid doing things we should and end up rushing to do three hours of work in 30 minutes.  I find myself procrastinating daily, and regretting every time as I rush to write a 6 page paper or vacuum the entire house in half the time it should take me.  Even over this last weekend I had to write four posts on my Philosophy class's blog, and I didn't write any of them until 16 hours before they were due.  It's idiotic how much time I spend twiddling my thumbs, catching up on shows I don't even watch and reading the same Facebook posts 10 times.  Maybe we are hard wired for being lazy until the last possible minute, but I doubt that.  I think the truth is more along the lines of, unless we are in the perfect environment for our personal learning, we find it very hard to actually focus, buckle down and do work.  Unfortunately, unless we find that perfect environment, we will forever be stuck in a limbo of procrastination and then rushing at the last minute.

    Figuring out where that perfect environment is can be hard.  For some people, it's the library.  But that's easy to figure out, it's the first place you go when you know you really have to hit the books.  I hate the library, though; It's kind of like a homework hell.  Some people find an empty classroom, or just an empty room in general.  Others do really well just sitting at a desk or on their bed in their room.  Yet, none of these places work for me.  My place is a Starbucks, or a coffee house similar to Starbucks.

    I reached a point during my freshman year of college where I was absolutely miserable.  I felt stuck in my room, stuck with just five or so friends, and lonely when none of them were available.  I always felt like I was doing nothing.  I went through a period of time where I was depressed.  This feeling isn't like depression, it's not that hard hitting, and it's much easier to come out of, but it still sucks.  I felt depressed for about four weeks before I did something about it.  At this point I called up a counselor, and made an appointment.  But before I even went to the counselor, I changed one little thing in my life.
    On my college campus, we have a building called Crosby Student Center.  Basically, it's like the social center of campus.  Our mail room is based out of Crosby, there is a coffee shop, tons of tables, big comfy couches and it's always busy.  But it has a feeling about it that just makes it feel like home.  Crosby also puts on an event every Wednesday night where live music comes in and they perform for about an hour.  Fittingly, it's called Coffee House.  One of my friends and I decided to go one night, about 5 weeks before school got out.  And this one little choice changed my college life.  I figured out in that one visit that if I wanted to get homework done, study, or socialize with more people, Crosby was going to be my place.  After that I spent hours there every week, actually doing homework.  There was even one week where I had all of my homework done for the entire next week, and it was only Thursday night of the week before.  I had finally taken the 'pro' out of 'procrastination.'

    What is hard about college life, however, is that then you have to return to your home, and readjust how you get things done at home, too.  I took a six week online class this summer, and I spent the first five weeks barely making the deadlines.  I have one week left, and I am planning on spending a lot of time at a Starbucks.
    What makes it work for me is the white noise, the fact that I know I could have a conversation with almost anyone, but know that I also need to focus.  What also makes it great is I can get coffee whenever I need... and who doesn't love that?

<3 Katelynn René

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Friend Rule

Remember that song you probably used to sing all the time when you were little? (and probably even more often if you were a girl scout) It went like this:

And who doesn't love a little bit of kid artwork... all though it is a little strange.

I honestly think that song was on to something... maybe not so much that you have to label your friends as being either silver or gold... and let's face it, you probably thought about which friends went in which category at least once. But I think that realizing you can never have too many friends is the general message of the song.

Yet, I also realized growing up that each friend has their own role in your life, whether or not you realize it.  There are just some friends you wouldn't go to with certain problems, and others that you would, and you realize it.  This leads me to what I like to call the friend rule.

Now, the friend rule has a few key roles and characteristics that each person fills.  And you might find that each role is also filled by more than one person, and that's cool.  You probably have multiple friends with similar traits.  But I think it's necessary to have at least one person to fill each spot...

So here we go, The Friend Rule;

1) The Realist - This is the person who is honest. They don't sugar coat what they are saying to you, they tell you straight up what they're thinking.  If you need someone to be optimistic for you, this is not the person you want to go to.  But when you need to hear the truth, there is no one better to talk to.  And that is what makes them great, because you can sit down and talk to this person for hours, and feel like you have solved life problems, because nothing was sugar coated.  This relationship is often the most raw and open because lying will get you no where with this person.  Sometimes, the truth may hurt, but when was the last time you really got, and then stayed, mad at someone who told you the truth.

2) The "I've done that before" - This person, no matter what you have done, has probably "done that first."  Or at least that's the way it seems.  Your conversations with them probably sound a lot like this, "You are getting your wisdom teeth out? Well I got mine out last month and it was the worst thing ever, like thheeeee wooorrrst!" And while this may get annoying sometimes, this person probably just needs to feel more important than you.  It's hard to deal with sometimes, but in the end they are a good person, and they probably humble you.  There's a good chance this person also needs a great friend, someone who they bond with and can go to, and they might just see you as the person for the job.

3) The Cheerleader - Don't want to hear the truth yet? The cheerleader is the person to go to.  They are always optimistic, always telling you that "you'll do better next time," even if you actually can't sing a single note on key.  This may sometimes get annoying, but you know they will always have your back because they care for you and want to see you succeed and be happy.

4) The quiet one - It probably took a long time to become good friends with this person because they are soooo reserved.  But that probably means your friendship is really strong, because you have had to try to become friends and you have succeeded.   They might not always have a vocal opinion on your life, but they are willing to listen and let you talk through things.  They are probably also always up for whatever, whether or not they seem really excited about it.

5) The person of the opposite sex - Not the boyfriend, but the best friend.  You know what I mean, no attraction what-so-ever, (or at least not yet) but they are willing to be your best friend.  He gives you different kind of insight than all the girls.  But don't lead him on, and don't him lead you on.  Make sure if any lines start to be crossed, and you aren't comfortable with it, CLARIFY! If he can't respect that, then he's not actually as good of a friend as you think.

6) The "sibling" - You do everything together, talk about boys, college, your future plans, everything.  You aren't really related, but you are together often enough you mights as well be.  And no matter where life leads you in the future, you will always be friends, because sisters always keep in touch.  And no matter where you leave off, you always pick back up in the same place.

So there they are, the must have friends.  Trust me, you probably have them all, just look around and realize what role each friend fills.

<3 Katelynn René

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

From a small town

Sometimes, I find that I have to sit down and face reality, and recently I've been thinking a lot about home.  I lived in Colorado for 5 years, and when I moved to Washington I thought I would never claim  my little town as my home... As it turns out, I was wrong.  I've now lived here for 8 years, and since I've been at college for the last year, I've been calling O-town (as we like to call it here) my home.  But in all reality, I think I've considered it home since the time I was a freshmen in High School.

The reason I care about being from a small town, especially today, is because I just went to the best concert I've ever been to in my entire life; Kenny Chesney's No Shoes Nation Tour.  Now, Kenny Chesney is also from a small town... Somewhere in Tennessee... and he is very proud of that.  He sings the following songs about small towns;
1) Back where I come from
2) Where I grew up
3) In a small town
4) I'm a small town (notice the similar names...)
5) I go back

Trust me, there are more, but these are the really obvious ones... But this post is about more than just Kenny Chesney songs, and it's about more than being from a small town... I guess it's kind of about both...?

So lets start out with a short review of the concert; honestly, it was fantastic.  I missed out on the first opening act, Kacey Musgraves. But she came out for the song Come Over with Kenny Chesney, and she has a beautiful voice.  I also saw nothing but the tail end of the Eli Young Band, how was also great.

Eric Chruch was up next, and I'll be honest, he was a little strange, but hilarious and fun to watch.  I'm still a little confused as to why he took boots from audience members, signed them, and then gave them to other people... Like, now two people only have one shoe. but whatever... he also took two beers from audience members and drank them, meanwhile spilling them all over his shirt... Obviously, he didn't want other people's cooties. Over all, though, he was great too. There really wasn't a bad act on the tour.

My family was worried Kenny Chesney would be playing all songs from his new album, which is a total snoozer. (I could do homework to it, no problem) But he only played three; everything else were his most popular hits from the last 20 years! And it was awesome.  My family loved it, we knew every song and we sang along the whole time.

But some of the real entertainment came from the people in the audience around us. The woman in the couple in front of us was so drunk and horny it was disgusting.  And the girl across the aisle was flirting with every male that walked by because "she was going to find a boyfriend that way."  Uh--huh... I'm sure that will work really well for you...

And then there is my lovely small home town, and despite being in Western Washington, it's quite similar to the town Kenny Chesney is from.  There's cows, farms, hicks, football, girls... all the necessary requirements.

The only difference is I have no intentions of living here in the future... Not saying Kenny is going to be back there some day; but I will not be back, living here, ever again.   I'll drive through some day and be like; kids, I used to live there! but that's it.  In the meantime, I will forever love the friends I've made here, the time I spent here and I will always have pride in being a graduate from my High School.  But that's about it.

So thanks, Kenny, for the home town reminiscing... Sometimes that's just what you need to realize how grateful you are for your home town (and it's a little reminder for where you don't want to be in your future).

-Katelynn René

Monday, May 20, 2013

Almost a Billboard Music Bust?

Remember when you were little and the awards shows were on Sunday nights, but you just had to go to bed because sleep was just soooo important? Yeah, me too.  

As it turns out, I probably wasn't missing out on all that much; a few people would sing (or pretend to sing...), receive awards, maybe give a douchey acceptance speech (*cough, Justin Beiber cough* and they would all pretend to be best friends for a night. 

I think we all know what I'm talking about by now... yeah, The Billboard Music Awards. 

I'll be honest, last night was the first time I have ever actually sat down and watched a complete awards show from beginning to end without interruptions or "having to go to bed because sleep is more important." (as it turns out, I can actually run on like 5 hours of sleep without a problem... but try telling mom that and I'm insane.)  I'll be honest again... I also wasn't that impressed by watching an entire awards show, it was rather anticlimactic and as it turns out I wasn't missing out on much all those years.

But I still think we should recap last night's shindig.

First off, props to Taylor Swift, she took home Top Female Artist & Top Artist among other various awards.  I personally think Taylor gets a lot of hate from a lot of people for going through so many guys.  Even she addressed this problem last night as she was accepting an award by saying to her fans, "You are the longest and best relationship I've ever had."  Well, at least she realizes it... 

Her performance of 22 was adorable... Plus that girl wears unicorns way better than any 5 year old I know.  
Her shirt says "Haters gonna hate" (and potatoes gonna potate, right?)

Up next lets talk about Miguel, who seemed to actually want to "Adorn" someone, considering he actually (kicked) and then pretty much landed on a girls head in what seemed to be a spur of the moment jump from one part of the stage to another.  But don't worry, it's okay! Miguel tweeted the following;

Oh good, because I'm sure she completely forgives you for kicking her in the head and knocking her out just because you tweeted about it.  But at least she is "okay."

Now, I'm going to be completely honest... I'm not a Beiber fan, never have been and probably never will be.  And here's a few reasons why;
1) For someone who was discovered solely based on his voice, he sure lip-syncs really well.
2) How many tattoos does he have now? What are their meanings? Couldn't tell you, chances are he couldn't either.  (Not that I'm against tattoos, for the record)
3) What kind of pants was he wearing last night? Please tell me he just borrowed those from MC Hammer, and didn't actually spend any money on them.
4) He actually said he should be taken seriously.  That's along the same lines of respect, and quite honestly you earn that.  It is not a matter of your own personal opinion, Justin.
5) Lose the sunglasses. That is all.

Also, what happened to his other sleeve? or is this the new look?

And last, lets discuss the one, the only, Madonna.  How old is she now? (54) And she is stilling touring, dancing, and accepting awards as though she is a stuck up 20-something prima donna... Huh, that's ironic.  But what's great about Madonna is that nobody cares, she's Madonna and she's legendary.  Yet she is still thankful, and realizes that while she can wear sunglasses while accepting an award, they are pretentious (her words, not mine), and she should probably remove them.  

As for all the other awards and performances last night, Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne were weird, Pitbull was out there like 10 times (or 2, you lose count after a while) and Prince pretty much killed it... too bad no one actually knows any of his songs.

Until the next awards show I actually watch all of...

-Katelynn René <3

Friday, May 10, 2013

So it's after 2 am...

Like I said in my last post, and according to How I Met Your Mother, nothing good ever happens after 2am...

And if this sign isn't proof enough, then I don't know what is.  Yet, it's 3:30 in the morning right now and I am doing just dandy.... Well, maybe.

In all reality, I am sad my freshman year is over.  I will never again be a freshman, or have the experience of meeting a bunch of new people that I don't even know exist who are all my age.  And while on one hand, I should be thankful, on the other hand I am mostly sad because I can never re-do any part of my freshman year again.  

I'm also having to pack up my room right now, and reflecting on all the fun times I had this year, and the things I will miss most about freshmen year!  Such as...

1) Having all my best friends within yelling distance

2) Spikes... It will never be back

3) Weirdly enough, my dorm. (I don't really like it very much)

4) Being able to go to CM on the weekends... That's a place only freshmen go

5) Weirdly enough, the COG. We can never eat there again.

6) Yelling (or meowing) out my window at the people who walk by

7) Going to bed at 3am just because

8) Late night talks until 5:30am

9) Randomly walking back to my dorm at ungodly hours of the night

10) Having to talk through the previous evening with all of my friends because we all did something different. (Actually the funniest thing ever)

11) Walking around the neighborhood with people you don't really know.  That how to make friends in nothing flat!

12) Overusing every phrase that we think is funny

13) Taking pictures of all the random stuff we do

14) Meeting new people every weekend

15) Having show marathons for hours on end

16) Random dance parties

17) Being able to laugh about pretty much everything that happens

18) Pulling all-nighters on the day before my last final (but not actually studying)

19) Making decisions at midnight, such as running through a broken sprinkler just because we can

20) Making memories that I can look back on for the rest of my life and not regret

That's just what comes to my me right off the top of my head... I know there are more things I will miss, but these things seem to be the most obvious, at least for me.

I definitely can't wait to get back for next year.  I just want the next four months to be over so I can be back on campus surrounded by my best friends again!  So as I finish packing up my room, I am trying to look forward to next year rather than be sad that this year is over... But right now I just want to be sad that the end of the year is here.

And until I get back to GU in the fall, keep it real Gonzaga. <3

-Katelynn René

(This post was reviewed in the morning, but written at 3 am. Go me)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight.

Here I am, 12:55am on the day of my last final for Freshman year, and rather than sleeping I suddenly decided that I was going to start a blog.  But the best decisions are made after midnight, right?  Well, I think it's actually nothing good ever happens after 2am according to How I Met Your Mother, but whatevs... We can hope something good will come out of this.

So before I go to sleep, I figured I would take a moment to reflect on the last 8 months.  I arrived at Gonzaga University as a freshman and knew absolutely no one.  Like no one.  At all.  Basically, I was a little loner.  But next thing I knew I was meeting people and making friends.  Now here I am, at the end of my freshman year and I can't believe how far I've come, how many friends I have made and how much fun I've had.  

Lets just make a quick list to realize how much things can change in less than a year;

1) I went from being an only child, to living in a dorm with 40 other freshmen girls.  Sounds small, and like it wasn't much of a transition, I know. But truth is, despite how much I hated how small my dorm was by the end of the year, I think I would have hated a big dorm at the beginning of the year.  Plus, I've learned how to live with others, that knocking before entering a room is a good thing no matter what time of day it is, and that we have way too much fun procrastinating.

(BTW, nothing like this ever happened, it's just too funny... Plus I love cats)

You also learn very quickly that the walls are far too thin, there are people you won't get along with and that every roommate has their flaws...  Some more than others...

All in all, living in a dorm is a great experience, no matter how much you like or dislike your specific dorm.  The friends you make are unforgettable and the laughs too many to count.   And next thing you know, having a roommate is the best thing ever and having people to be around 24/7 is wayyy better than being at home and sitting on the couch on a Saturday night with a bowl of ice cream watching HIMYM with mom and dad.

2) At first, it may seem like you will never make friends, but by the first weekend you will be going to dinner with girls from your dorm and chances are you will have found at least one person who is willing to pretty much be your best friend.  They may not be your roommate, and that's great!  In my case, my roommate and I didn't really click. Like at all. But the girl two doors down and I get along great... And now we are roommates instead.  The only thing better than that is having a group of friends to spend time with, and that comes with time.  Next thing you know you have all new friends and while alone time is great, being with them is better. 

3) Speaking of alone time... Wait... What is that again? I went from having alone time most of the time at home (I'm an only child... so that's normal for me) to never having any.  Those five minutes you get alone on a Wednesday night when your roommate hasn't come back from dinner yet and all your friends are 'doing homework' are the most precious minutes of the day. Swear to God.  THE BEST. You also learn quickly that if you want to get homework done, you either have to lock your door or leave the room/dorm. 
 For me, I'd go to the student center.  But that's besides the point...  It's kinda like when you want to be alone, you have to leave not only the room, but the dorm, and probably the campus too.  Or take a shower... I mean, which ever fits best into your schedule.

4) One last thing that changes drastically is (at least for me) what you do on the weekends.  At home, I was a total homebody.  I wanted to be at home with my cat (and parents, I guess) every weekend.  That's just what I did, and sometimes I would see friends.  But in college that all changes.  Whether you go out and get drunk every weekend, or just go to the movies, the weekends are way more fun that they probably were at home.  Like, what do I do now when I go home?  I don't want to sit at home on Friday nights anymore!  

I can't wait to get back to college in the fall just so I can have fun again without having to ask mom and dad if I can go out.  

Freshmen year here at GU made me realize just how much things can change in a year.  But I wouldn't take any of it back for a moment, nor would I change where I go to school.  I love this place way too much for that!  

And in regards to freshman year,  I think if anyone could be a college freshman again, no one would turn down the opportunity.  I know I certainly wouldn't.

So now that I'm finishing the post up (It's actually 10:30am now, I got tired last night) I can't believe this year is over... But on to the next; I'm already excited to come back!  And as for it being after midnight when I started this, I think it was a pretty great choice.

-Katelynn René