I know I'm not the first to fall victim to this terrible disease. It's slowly taking over the world, and slowly, one by one, forcing people into wanting to start a blog, and then a week later, the people are healthy again and no longer have any desire to blog.
Chances are, you know exactly what I'm talking about. One day you literally think "OMG, I'm going to start a blog, become world famous and make tons of money for putting all my brilliant ideas out there"
But then, you realize that blogging is a lot of work. You have to have lots of ideas, and be creative. Being a little bit funny helps too, and the last puzzle piece for having an award winning blog is.... (Drum Roll Please...)
ACTUALLY WRITING IT. Dead serious, you could have all the ideas in the world, but if you don't have the time, the desire, or the right attitude for it, it's super easy to lose interest in nothing flat.
It took me about two months before I started to forget about this blog. So that's pretty good, right? it was long enough for me to post a few times, but certainly not create a following. And now I'm sitting here like, was this a fail? Or do I just need to re-spark my interest? I'd love to get back into it, but it's hard. Finding time to be funny while writing is, like, the hardest thing ever. No, really. Almost Impossible.
But I think most of why people lose interest is really because having a blog starts to feel like homework. And who wants to do homework? No one. That's exactly the problem... Having this homework like commitment that does absolutely nothing for you seems silly when you think about it. That's why you have to make it beneficial and worth your while... (Not that I know how to do that)
So here's to a second chance at blogging, and hoping this doesn't feel like homework any time soon.
-Katelynn René
PS I also think blogging would be a lot more fun if my thoughts were read in Carrie Bradshaw's voice... Just Saying